Coconut Tiramisu
Recipe by Helen Tzouganatos

3 x 270ml cans coconut cream (chilled overnight)*
Scraped seeds of 1 vanilla pod
1/2 cup pure icing sugar, sifted
1 x 200g packet gluten free savoiardi biscuits
3 cups freshly brewed coffee, lukewarm
4 tbsp Kahlua or Tia Maria liqueur
Dutch cocoa powder to dust
*If you like your tiramisu extra creamy feel free to use an additional can of coconut cream.
For the whipped coconut cream scoop out the hardened cream from the lid of the can and transfer to a mixing bowl. To separate the rest of the hardened cream from the coconut water tip the remaining contents into a sieve so the coconut water drains from the cream (this should leave you with roughly 550g of cream). Add vanilla pod seeds and icing sugar to the bowl and whip for 1-2 minutes until soft peaks form.
In a tray combine the coffee and liqueur. Gently dip in the biscuits and arrange them in a single layer in a serving dish roughly 20 x 25cm (I like to use a glass dish for presentation so you can see the layers).
Spread half of the whipped coconut cream over the biscuit layer. Repeat the process with another layer of biscuits and cream. Cover with cling wrap and refrigerate for at least 4 hours to set.
Remove cling wrap and dust with sifted cocoa powder to serve.